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(+46) 322.170.71

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The world’s largest amateur rally, the Budapest-Bamako is postponed to March 2022 with a backup date for October 2022.

Morocco’s state of emergency and border closures don’t allow for the late January start. December 28th, 2021- The Budapest-Bamako Rally set to start from Budapest on January 28, 2022 has been postponed to March 18, 2022 amid the state of emergency declared by host country, Morocco. “We are deeply saddened that we had to postpone the Budapest-Bamako,...

The word’s largest amateur rally, The “Budapest-Bamako Freetown Challenge” will end in Sierra Leone’s capital next year

April 30th, 2021- Organizers of the Budapest-Bamako Rally announced the finish line host city and the detailed route of the 2022 event. The world's largest amateur rally will once again start in the Hungarian capital, Budapest and finish in Freetown, Sierra Leone next year. “We are thrilled to host the 'Budapest-Bamako Freetown Challenge' in our nation's...

Track Writing Mission Is On For 2020

October 21, 2019 – The Budapest-Bamako track writing team has reached the town of Assa in Central Morocco earlier today after departing from Budapest last Wednesday. The recon mission's main objective is to place geo-caching points, explore hotels, camp sites and register the GPS coordinates of points of interests along the route of the Budapest-Bamako. Lukacs-Toth...

Recon Mission To Sierra Leone 2020

There will be two recon missions to Africa ahead of this year's rally. Recon is when we log GPS coordinates, set up campsites and mark interesting attractions. Setting up the route is always a tricky mission. This year's Senegal to Sierra Leone touring route and official camp sites have been discovered. We've experienced the hardship and difficulties...

How I Enjoy Everyday

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons to your individual posts for easy and quick sharing...

Alltime Have Sunshine

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons to your individual posts for easy and quick sharing...

Beautiful Nature

Set up a blog in just a few minutes with the Edge collection of blog templates. Define the look of your blog. Enable a sidebar, choose between full width and grid layouts, and take complete control over typography. Enable social share functionality; add social media buttons to your individual posts for easy and quick sharing...